Reflexology Is a therapy used with the concept that every organ within the body corresponds primarly to a reflex point on the sole of the feet or palms of the hands like a map. Through application of pressure on these particular points, with thumb, finger and hand, organs of the body can be stimulated, circulation to the organ increased, function of the organ return to normality. with a little help, the body has a natural ability to heal itself, a natural therapy used as a way of relaxing. balancing and harmonising the body.
Reflexology has been successful used in chronic and acute conditions including anxiety migraine, sinusitis, vertigo, insomnia, asthma, digestive disorders, constipation, endocrine disorders - fertility, menstrual & menopausal symptoms.
With over 7200 nerve endings under the surface skin of your feet and 2500 nerve receptors per square centimetre in the human hand, there is no wonder why individuals who experience reflexology say. one of the largest benefits is that of reduced stress & anxiety. If reflexology were only able to reduce stress that would be a huge health factor on its own, but the correlated benefits brought to the body by the proper application of this therapy is much more encompassing.
Reflexology is a great tool to incorporate in healing and wholeness of the entire body.